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PODCAST: The Golf MPM Podcast With Brian Cain – Episode #11 – Your Habits Reflect Your Mission

In episode #11, Brian Cain breaks down the importance of habit formation in your development as a golfer and shares multiple apps and strategies you can use to develop the habits that you and your game need to go low.

PODCAST: The Golf MPM Podcast With Brian Cain – Episode #10 – Mental Resilience

In episode #10, Cain joins St. Joseph High School Golf Coach Kevin Guzzo to talk about Mental Resilience in golf and the role that the pre-shot and post shot routine play in competing one shot at a time and how you can build resilience on the range.

PODCAST: How You Behave Determines What You Achieve

In this short “Mental Minute” podcast episode I breakdown the importance of your day to day and moment to moment behaviors and how those align with your achievements. I also share one of my favorite stories about a successful business entrepreneur who learned early enough in life the power of expectations and behaviors. Winners act like winners long before they are winners. It’s how you behave that determines what you achieve.

PODCAST: The Golf MPM Podcast With Brian Cain – Episode #9 – Phil’s Major Win

In episode #9, Brian Cain discusses the history of the 2021 PGA Championship victory by Phil Mickelson in which he became the oldest player to ever win a major.  They talk about Phil’s mindset, his use of visualization and more.

PODCAST: The Golf MPM Podcast With Brian Cain – Episode #8 – Winning Conference

In episode #8, Brian Cain breaks down the process that led to Coach Carp’s University of Denver Men’s Golf Program winning The Summit League Conference Championship and his team’s performance at the Washington Regional where they were 2 strokes away from becoming the 1st 13-see to ever make it to the NCAA National Championships.

PODCAST: The Baseball MPM Podcast With Cain & Casey – Episode #8 – The Power of Accountability

In The Baseball MPM Podcast With Cain & Casey, Brian Cain, creator of the Mental Performance Mastery (MPM) Coaches Certification and 30 Days to MPM Athletes Program and Sean “The Mayor” Casey, MLB Network Analyst and one of baseball’s all-time best hitters talk about success strategies you can use to master mental performance both on and off the baseball field.

PODCAST: Trade Expectation For Execution If You Want Results

In this short “Mental Minute” podcast episode I breakdown the expectation trap and how you can change your life and your performance by giving up expectations and focusing solely on execution of your process.

Thank you for listening to the Brian Cain Mental Performance Mastery Podcast on the Ironclad Content Network. If you liked this show, be sure to leave us a rating and a review and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter @BrianCainPeak.

How to Unlock Your Potential

Elite performance requires hard work. There’s no way around that.
The pressures of competing are demanding mentally, physically, and emotionally.

When you train the skills of self control and discipline you’ll notice that you’re better able to focus and face the inevitable obstacles that will come your way – like a bad game or the nerves that come before a big game, negative comments, negative expectations of others, or when you just get off the rails of a training or nutrition program.

PODCAST: The Golf MPM Podcast With Brian Cain – Episode #7 – Cain’s 1st PGA Caddie Experience

In The Golf MPM Podcast Brian Cain, creator of the Mental Performance Mastery (MPM) Coaches Certification and 30 Days to MPM For Athletes Program sits down to discuss all things related to the golf swing, course and self management and getting the most out of your potential both on and off the course.

PODCAST: The Baseball MPM Podcast With Cain and Casey – Episode #7 – The MLB Pitching Mindset

In episode #7 of Coffee with Cain and Casey, Brian Cain, creator of the Mental Performance Mastery (MPM) Coaches Certification and one of the World’s most sought after MPM Coaches and Sean “The Mayor” Casey, one of baseball’s all-time best hitters talk about success strategies you can use both on and off the field.

In this episode Cain and Caesy are joined by former Major League Baseball Player Jason Grilli.

How to Get Your Athletes to Focus

Distractions, negative self-talk, and letting mistakes get to you are a sure way to derail your performance. Athletes who succeed don’t do so because they evade trials. They are successful because they know how to overcome the obstacles that arise. It takes a skillset to be able to overcome obstacles. As a coach, you can train those skills. You train the physical part of your sport with drills.

How to Get and Stay Motivated, Especially When You Don’t Feel Like Doing It.

“I don’t want to.”

How many times have you said this?

Guess what?

A lot of people don’t want to get up, or work out, or make the call, or write the proposal, or ask for the thing.

But the people who act differently than how they feel are the ones who achieve great things.