Are you watching the Olympics?
You don’t have to watch too many events before you hear a commentator talk about an athlete’s “strong mental game.”
Olympians train their bodies.
That’s obvious.
What’s less obvious but equally true is that they also train their minds.
So, how does one develop such an elite mindset?
The same way they train their bodies.
With drills.
No one who is at the top of their field ever thought, “I just don’t have what it takes.”
That is a fixed mindset.
An Elite Mindset says:
“I am not lacking ability, I just have to train more.”
“I didn’t lose. I learned.”
“I can train to build myself up to where I want to be.”
So, if you’re interested in building your own Elite Mindset, then you’re in the right place. Training the mental game is what I do.
Here is how you get to where you want to be:
A + S + GOYA = R
Ability + Strategy + Get-Off-Your-Anatomy = Results
Someone with an Elite Mindset believes that everything is a trainable skill. If you have the right strategy and enough time, what you want is possible.
Here is a 4-Step Goal Formula for getting from where you are to where you want to be.
- Set your intention.
What do you want to accomplish? And how long will it take you? Is it a microscope goal that can be done in a week? Or is it a telescope goal that can happen for you months/years from now? Write down your intention.
2. Schedule it into your day.
When are you going to train for this goal? If you don’t schedule it into your day, then it won’t happen. I tell my athletes all the time, don’t tell me what you want, tell me how you are spending your day.
3. Measure it.
Are you doing what you said you were going to do? I like to use an app called Habit Share. At the end of the day you can check off what you’ve done to work towards your goal. The best part is, you can add me as a friend and I can provide accountability, clarity, and support for you. Download Habit Share, build your list of habits and then add me as a friend. Use my email [email protected]
4. Reflect and Refocus.
At the end of the week, (I like to do it on Sundays) reflect on how your week went. What went well? What could have gone better? Then, refocus for the upcoming week. How will you do better next week. Well, Better, How? Those are the 3 questions you should ask yourself every week as you reflect and refocus on your habits.
Here’s another formula l like:
E + R = O
Event + Response = Outcome
Many events in life are outside of your control.
But you can control your response to those events.
And those two bring about the outcome.
People with Elite Mindsets know that there are a lot of things outside of their control. So, they train to control what they can – which is how they respond.
How do I want to respond to what just happened?
Let’s do something easy.
Right Now.
Take out a piece of paper and write down the 3 things you need to do to keep things simple.
For example, my friend, Sean “The Mayor” Casey who was voted the nicest player in the MLB used to keep in his back pocket an index card for when it was his turn up at bat.
The index card said:
See the Ball
Be Easy
Hammer it
That’s it.
That’s how he kept it simple.
That’s how he became the .300+ lifetime hitter he was.
That index card is what helped him compete as a player (and still be the nice person he was).
So, what are your 3 things you can do to keep your day simple?
Because getting your day right, allows you to get your week right, which is what you need to accomplish that intention you set.
Comment below on the 3 things that you will do to keep it simple.
Also, if you would like to receive my weekly e-mails that contain my best mental performance coaching content, you can join my e-mail list here.
If you are a golf coach or golfer, your next step is to check out my FREE Golf Mental Performance Masterclass here.
If you are a baseball coach or player, your next step is to check out my FREE Baseball Mental Performance Masterclass here.
If you are a coach, you will also want to get on my MPM Coaches Insiders list to save $200 off my next Certification Class. You can join the Insiders List for FREE here.
If you are an athlete looking to take your mental performance skills to the next level, you can get into my 30 Days to MPM for Athletes Program here.