PODCAST: The Golf MPM Podcast With Brian Cain – Episode #6 – How Golf Coaches Can Win The Fall Season
In episode #6, How Golf Coaches Can Win The Fall Season, Cain shares ideas on how coaches can maximize the most important fall in the history of college golf coming out of a global pandemic. In this podcast we breakdown: how to approach the biggest tournament of the year…
PODCAST: The Golf MPM Podcast With Brian Cain – Episode #6 – How Golf Coaches Can Win The Fall Season
In episode #6, How Golf Coaches Can Win The Fall Season, Cain and Carp share ideas on how coaches can maximize the most important fall in the history of college golf coming out of a global pandemic. In this podcast we breakdown: How To Approach The Biggest Tournament Of The Year…
PODCAST: Baseball MPM with Cain & Casey (Ep. #5) Every Day is Opening Day
In The Baseball Mental Performance Mastery (MPM) Podcast With Cain & Casey, Brian Cain, creator of the Mental Performance Mastery (MPM) Coaches Certification and one of the World’s most sought after MPM Coaches and Sean “The Mayor” Casey, one of baseball’s all-time best hitters talk about success strategies you can use both on and off the field.
How to Establish a Winning Culture: The Road to Omaha Part 7 of 7
Coaches must know how to establish a winning culture. Sure, you’ll have leaders on your team. But they will not rise to the occasion accidentally. They will fall to the level of leadership you establish. A winning culture starts with you. And therefore, it must start with your own self-awareness. Are you aware of all the skill sets required of champion coaches? If not, let me remind you in this article about How To Establish A Winning Culture.
How to Reach Your Goals Faster: The 4 Stages of Buy-In
Did you ever hear about something that made you stop in your tracks? Stop walking. Stop talking. Stop scrolling (if we’re on social media). You think: Wait. What? I never knew that. Say that again. This is the exciting moment where growth begins. But, growth is uncomfortable. So, we resist. This is where the 4 stages of buy-in begin.
How to Develop a Championship Level of Discipline
I don’t need to tell you how important discipline is. But, what a lot of coaches don’t know is that discipline is a muscle that can be trained. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “Well, he’s just not disciplined enough.” When really, what should be said is “He Does Not Train For Discipline Enough.” The things we do everyday build patterns in our minds. Practice makes perfect, right? Well, then … we better be super aware of what we are practicing! Training. For Discipline. The elite teams who are headed to Omaha practice discipline. Many times a day. How do I know? Because I taught many of them how! Here is a sample of what I teach:
National Champions Have Elite Mindsets
Talent doesn’t win championships because by the time you get to the championship game, everyone is talented. Effort wins championships. Effort comes from the knowledge that anyone can grow. Elite champions have elite mindsets and know that they can grow. As a coach, you need to develop an elite mindset, and you need to know how to coach your players to develop theirs.
PODCAST: Baseball MPM with Cain & Casey (Ep. #4) Your Ideal Life
In The Baseball Mental Performance Mastery (MPM) Podcast With Cain & Casey, Brian Cain, creator of the MPM Coaches Certification and 30 Days to MPM Athletes Program and Sean “The Mayor” Casey, MLB Network Analyst and one of baseball’s all-time best hitters talk about success strategies you can use to master mental performance both on and off the baseball field. In episode #4 Cain and casey talk about maximizing your performance and creating your ideal life through process, structure and patience.
PODCAST: How to Win the 90% of Baseball That Is the Mental Game
Bob Tewksbury is an icon in the field of mental performance in baseball. Largely considered one of the best control pitchers of all time and best mental performance coaches in the sport. He was a 1992 MLB All-Star and in the last century, no pitcher has a lower ratio of base on balls per innings pitched. “Tewks” had a playing career that spanned from 1986 to 1998 in which he racked up 812 strikeouts. After his career he went back to school at Boston University and earned a masters degree in applied sport psychology. He has worked as a mental performance coach with the Boston Red Sox, San Francisco Giants and currently serves in that capacity with the Chicago Cubs.
Champions are Committed to the Process. Are You?
Are you committed to leading your team? Do your players trust you and are they committed to the process you’ve put in place? Staying committed to the process is a daily decision. You must decide everyday to stay the course. All the coaches and players headed to Omaha are committed to the process we put in place. Here is how they maintain their commitment:
PODCAST: Todd Cetnar – The 3 Pillars of Elite Results
Todd Cetnar, founder and CEO of Cetnar Consulting Group, has 25+ years leading strategic growth with prominent companies and sports teams across the globe. Today, Todd sits as a Vice President of Sales for a leading medical device company managing over $300M. Todd is a former professional basketball player and 3x Hall-of-Famer who played throughout Europe. Now, as a corporate executive, Todd combined the skillsets learned in both arenas to formulate the framework called the 3 Pillars of Elite Results.
Leading Champions: The Road To Omaha Part 2
All winning coaches and teams have clearly stated principles. The coaches with the most championship titles expect that the team’s principles are developed and demonstrated.
What are the core principles driving your player’s performances?
Where in your office or locker room do you advertise these principles?
Can your players quickly name these principles if I ask them?